The Basics of South Carolina Child Custody

Kids jumping into the lake

Being faced with a child custody case can be extremely overwhelming. Especially if you consider that custody laws differ slightly in each state. You may have specific questions, such as: What is child custody? What does it mean for my child and me? How do I ensure that I am making the best decision for my family? These are all valid questions, and this blog post will provide answers to them.

What Is Child Custody?

Child custody is the official legal term used to describe parents' rights and responsibilities regarding their child or children. In South Carolina, child custody can be either physical or legal. Physical custody refers to where the child will live, while legal custody refers to who has the right to make decisions about the child’s welfare. These decisions can include things like education, healthcare, and religion. Parents can have either sole custody or joint custody of their child or children.

  • Sole Custody: This type of arrangement means that only one parent has physical and/or legal custody of the child or children. The other parent may still have visitation rights, but they do not have any decision-making power when it comes to the child’s welfare.
  • Joint Custody: Joint custody arrangements can be either physical or legal, or both. In a joint physical custody arrangement, the child or children will live with both parents for equal amounts of time. In a joint legal custody arrangement, both parents have an equal say in the decisions regarding the child’s welfare.

What Is the Ideal Child Custody Arrangement?

You cannot pinpoint an exact answer to the question of what the ideal child custody arrangement is. This is due to the fact that each family has a different established dynamic. However, experts generally agree that it is best for children to have ongoing contact with both parents following a divorce or separation. This means that a joint physical and legal custody arrangement would be ideal in most cases. Joint custody arrangements allow children to maintain relationships with both parents and provides them with a sense of stability.

Is Having an Attorney Necessary?

Having an attorney is especially important when navigating issues regarding custody. With experienced legal guidance, you can reach a custody arrangement that benefits your children and encourages positive relationships with both parents if at all possible. Contact the team at Horton & Associates, LLC if you need assistance today.