Ways To Communicate With Your Ex-Spouse

Closeup Woman hand using Laptop pc with email icon

After a divorce, you may find it hard to communicate with your ex-spouse. This is a completely normal occurrence, as you both went through a large change in your day-to-day lives. However, if you and your spouse had children, it will be required that you continue to communicate with one another. While this may feel overwhelming, there are multiple ways to approach this. You can find the method that works best for you and your ex.


This method of communication requires little effort from either you or your ex-spouse. Texting provides an efficient way of sending updates or other important information; furthermore, newer technology innovations have made it even easier to provide text responses, such as through smartwatches or BlueTooth car connections.

  • While texting may be the go-to communication method for many couples after a divorce, it is still not a perfect system. For example, you may find yourself without service or a charge. It is also more difficult to send long, detailed messages over text.

Phone Calls

A phone call may be a more suitable option for individuals that do not want to write long text messages or need more details communicated. While it may be awkward to speak on the phone with your ex-spouse at first, it can provide a reliable method of updating each other.

  • For example, you could schedule a weekly phone call with each other. During this time you can talk about how your children are doing at school, or any important events that may be coming up in the near future.


While email may feel like a thing of the past, it is perhaps the most reliable method of communication for you and your ex-spouse.

Not only can you easily type out the details of your message, but the system you use will also keep track of and record all emails sent back and forth.

This is useful in case something occurs with your case and you need proof. Furthermore, email means that you do not have to necessarily worry about utilizing your personal cell phone. You can log in to your email account from multiple devices.

In-Person Meetings

This is an option that will not work for all couples. However, if your divorce was amicable and you co-parent successfully with your ex-spouse, you may find it beneficial to have in-person meetups to discuss your children and spend time with them together.

  • This can greatly benefit your children, as it demonstrates to them that you are able to put your differences aside and focus on them for a moment.

Need a Child Custody Attorney?

If you are experiencing issues with your spouse adhering to the established custody agreement, the team at Horton & Associates, LLC is here to help. Our experienced attorneys can help you address any custody issues.