How Can I Modify My Custody Order?

Close up of cute little girl hugging mom

If you are a parent in South Carolina and your custody arrangement is no longer functioning, you should consider a custody modification. This can be a difficult process, but our team of experienced attorneys can help guide you through it. Our team of attorneys at Horton & Associates, LLC can explain the basics of custody modification in South Carolina and how you can go about getting the changes you need for your family.

Your Child’s Interests Always Come First

When considering a custody modification, there are several key elements to keep in mind. First, you must recognize that the court will always prioritize the best interests of the child when making decisions about a custody agreement. This means that you will need to demonstrate how the current custody arrangement is not in the best interests of your child and how a modification would be better for them.

Demonstrating a Change in Circumstances

Additionally, you will need to show that a significant change in circumstances has taken place since the original custody order was put in place. This could be something like a change in jobs, moving to a new home, or getting married. If you can show that these changes have had an impact on your ability to parent or spend time with your child, you may be able to get a custody modification.

The Steps to Custody Modification

If you are considering a custody modification, our team of experienced custody attorneys can help. We will work with you to understand your situation and help you determine if a custody modification is best for you and your children. Horton & Associates, LLC will also help you gather the evidence you need to demonstrate to the court how a custody modification would be in your child's best interests. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you with your custody case.

While each case is unique, there are some general tips that can help when pursuing a custody modification:

Talk To Your Fellow Co-Parent

Start by talking to the other parent and see if they are open to making changes to the current arrangement. If both parents are on board with making changes, it will be much easier to get a custody modification.

File a Petition With The Court

If the other parent is not open to making changes, you will need to file a petition with the court. This is where our team of experienced attorneys can help. We will guide you through the process and help you gather the evidence you need to demonstrate to the court how a custody modification would be in the best interests of your child.

Consider Best Interests Guidelines

Remember that the court always prioritizes the best interests of the child when making any decisions about custody. This means that you will need to demonstrate how the current custody arrangement is not in the best interests of your child and how a modification would be better for them.

Work With an Experienced Attorney

Make sure to work with an experienced attorney. The custody modification process can be complex, and it is important to have someone on your side who knows the ins and outs of the law. If you have any questions or concerns about custody modification in South Carolina, contact our office today. We can help you understand your options and guide you through the process.

Do You Have More Modification Questions?

Do you have more questions about custody modification? Don’t worry, the team at Horton & Associates, LLC can provide you with the answers you seek. We can help you determine if you have a change in circumstances that warrants modification and guide you through the correct steps.
